How To Use Hema Maps App Tutorial | Part 2
This is my second part video on How to use Hema maps app tutorial. Everyone in the 4x4 overlanding community relies on off road navigation. The further we travel from civilisation the more crucial it is to have an off road touring gps. Especially here in Australia where even at best of times civilisation can be several hundred kilometers away and multiple bush tracks criss-cross each other it is important to have off road navigation with Hema maps as Hema maps are the most popular navigation aid for off roaders in Australia.
This video is on how to use offline Hema maps.
A little over a year ago I did a video on inexpensive off road gps which in my opinion was the best value in the market. It consisted of Hema maps app installed on an inexpensive android tablet. I feel this is the best off road gps for Australia in terms of functionality and value. The follow up videos are on how to use Hema Cloud, Hema Explorer, how to plan off road trips using Hema Cloud and syncing the two devices.
Duncan Udawatta