Safety Tip For Overlanders | My Little Red Book
As lovers of the overlanding lifestyle we pay a lot of attention to accessorising our 4x4s and also to everything else we want to carry when travelling overland. Camping requirements take a greater priority. However, many of us pay very little attention towards safety and more so towards emergencies.
The importance of preparing for emergencies when overlanding is extremely important. Especially when travelling into remote parts of the country where the Australian outback can be a harsh place.
As part of my preparations for emergency situations I have a "little red book" which permanently stays in my 80 Series' glove box. This book contains various information which I feel may be very useful to anyone (such as another traveller or even emergency services). Whether overlanding as a solo adventure or in a convoy (in my opinion) the information contained in my book could be vital to anyone attempting to help us and potentially save our lives.
Duncan Udawatta